SSS #58: I'm Writing a Book


No more excuses. I'm making a new commitment.

Between now and the end of the year, all of my writing will be focused on one topic, ultimately resulting in a book that will be self-published through Amazon.

Why write a book now?

Writing a book has always been a bucket-list item for me. I'm tired of putting it off. I'm more tired of putting the idea of writing a book on a pedestal.

If all goes well, this could be the first of many books, and I'll be glad I got around to it sooner than later.

If this entire process sucks, maybe I can finally let go of the dream and just stick to long winded weekly updates on my personal life.

What will the book be about?

Well, I guess I'll start by sharing the working title: A Passive Real Estate Investors' Guide to BRRRR-ing Small Multifamily.

Whoa. Lots of buzzwords, but like I said, it's a working title. Open to suggestions.

In the context of real estate investing, B.R.R.R.R stands for: Buy, Renovate, Rent, Refinance, Repeat.

BRRRR is an advanced strategy real estate investors use to increase the velocity of their money.

Why write THIS book?

There's a short list of real estate investing strategies in the zeitgeist right now.

Topics like Large Multifamily Syndication, HouseHacking, and BRRRR are each carving out gigantic corners of the real estate education market.

What makes me qualified to write this book?

In 2020, I took the BRRRR strategy one step further by completing an entire project as passively as possible.

  • I visited the property once before buying it and never again since.
  • I've only talked to the general contractor once.
  • I never communicated with any of the tenants (past or present).
  • Our rent collections have been 100% since acquisition.
  • Our active unit occupancy has been 100% since acquisition.

This is a case study in which I leveraged other people's time, money, and effort to BRRRR a 4-family home that will pay for Luna's daycare in the immediate future and pay for her college in 18 years.

I truly believe that's a story worth sharing.

Best case, it's a playbook for other investors.

Worst case, it's a documentation of my process for Luna to read one day in the distant future.

I would give anything to read my parents' first hand experience in the early days of their business journey.

What can you expect from me over the final 10 #SunShakSundays of 2020?

I'll provide an update on where I am with the book.

  • Maybe a word-count.
  • Maybe complain about writer's block.
  • Maybe contemplate abandoning this project altogether.

Why am I inviting you on this journey with me?

It's mostly about accountability. I believe I perform better under pressure.

I'm writing the entire thing in a single Google Doc.

Here's the link:

I'd love it if you popped in there once in a while to provide some feedback.

  • Something you don't understand? Leave a comment.
  • I'm being redundant? Call me out.
  • Typo? Call the grammar police!

Ok. Good luck to me.

Now, for the real reason you opened this email...

Livin' La Vida Luna


Luna's going to be a pumpkin for Halloween. We tried the outfit on a week early to make sure it fit. A little big, but it'll do!