SSS #31: BabyShak Is (Finally) Here!


Here’s the abridged version of BabyShak’s arrival:

After 40 weeks and 6 days, Dia’s water broke at 2:45am on Thursday, April 16th.

After a quick shower and gathering some last minute items, we were at the hospital by 4am.

Contractions and (all of the) drugs ensued.

At 6pm, Dia started pushing. By 8pm, the doctor suggested we strongly consider going the cesarean route.

At 9pm, we were in the Operating Room. 15 minutes later, a beautiful cry came from behind the curtain.

18.5 hours from start to finish. Dia (& all mothers everywhere) is a F#%<!g Champ!

Here’s the Stat Line:

  • Name: Luna Mia Shakhawala
  • Birthday: 4/16/20 @ 21:16
  • Weight: 8lbs, 15oz (4kg)
  • Height: 21.75” (55cm)

Here’s a few pics:
