SSS #122: How To Underwrite a New Construction Project


This past week marked the beginning of the 45-day stretch where I constantly ask myself why I still live in New Jersey.

It's so cold during the day and dry at night.

We are, however, leaving for Mexico City on Thursday. Looking forward to the lowest low there being higher than our highest high here.


Livin' La Vida Luna


There were 5(!!) positive COVID cases at Luna's daycare this past week.

Thankfully none of them were in her classroom, but the school is understandably closed until the end of the month.

In an effort to keep the kids together (and our sanity intact), we've been spending our days at our cousins' place.

How To Underwrite a New Construction Project


Now that my production setup is nearing completion, I'm finding it difficult to make meaningful 1% improvements every week.

I was dreading this moment. Buying all the right tools was too easy.

Now the hard work begins.

I have to get better at:

  1. Creating thumbnails potential viewers have to click on
  2. Increasing average view duration by starting each video with an irresistible hook and then following up with a compelling story

Here’s how I’m tracking against my YouTube goals:

✅ 22 / 100 videos published

✅ 146 / 1,000 subscribers

✅ 164 / 4,000 hours of watch-time

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