SSS #156: Personal Update


Livin' La Vida Luna y Luca


The love for mommy is outta this world. šŸš€

šŸ˜· Luna Got Sick

Luna woke up in a pool of her own vomit Friday morning so we took her to the doctor and found out she had a 104 fever.

Our thermometer at home only said 100. šŸ„µ Should probably get a new one.

Anyway, she's been drinking Children's Tylenol like water this weekend. Hoping whatever this is subsides by tomorrow evening.


Shot of us in the Doctor's office before the waterworks started.

šŸš‡ Dia Goes Back To Work

After 5 months of Maternity Leave, Dia is going back to work tomorrow.

So many emotions around this.

  • I wish she didn't "have to" go back.
  • I'm excited for her to sink her teeth into her new role.
  • It's a big change from our current lifestyle

The overwhelming feeling, however, is that I'm so proud of her.

She's a great career-mom (& wife) and I feel so lucky to be a part of her journey.

šŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦³ Dia's Mom is Back!

She's going to help us with the transition of Dia going back to work.

Potentially unpopular opinion: mother-in-laws are awesome.

Having her here is always so much fun.

This might actually be the first time she's here in the fall. Hopefully, we get some early snow this year - said no one ever.

šŸ– Luca Joining Luna

Luca will be at home for one more month before joining Luna at school.

I'm a little (a lot) nervous about being Luca's new primary caregiver.

But it's only a month! And if the past 5 months are any indication of how fast time flies, it'll be over in the blink of an eye.

I'm going to remind myself of that every day. Especially when I'm covered in spit-up.


Look at this guy - tipsy on milk.

šŸ” New Construction Project

Had to include something work-related before I signed off.

Our excavator quoted us for 10 truck loads of dirt at $500 each. The final count was closer to 30 truckloads.

A $10,000 hiccup. šŸ¤•

None of us accounted for the lot grade.

The back of the house required 14 feet of digging while the front barely required 8.


Lesson learned. That's what contingency is for.

The team from superior walls is walking the property tomorrow so we should have a foundation ready to drop in by end of next week. šŸŽ‰