SSS #145: An Unexpected Deload Week


Everyone's talking about the latest Drake album.

I'm just over here playing that new Beyonce on repeat.

Livin' La Vida Luna


Who needs a double stroller?

The basket works just fine.

Aside from my duties as a father, son, and husband, I did basically nothing this past week.

I wish I could say this break was planned, but it was completely unexpected.

To be honest, I was thrown into a funk when a work-related meeting I was looking forward to for weeks was canceled at the last second.

The self-talk immediately turned toxic:

  • Did I do something wrong?
  • Will they reschedule?
  • Am I not worth their time?

The fear, uncertainty, and doubt washed over me like a teenage boy who just received a "can't make it" text with no other context before his first official date.

It's paradoxical. As far as my career goes, I'm having my best year ever. We're only halfway through 2022 and I've already doubled my earnings for 2021.

I'm expanding my business. Taking on new projects. Establishing new partnerships.

I have so much to be proud of. I shouldn't require validation in the form of lunches with big wigs.

Nonetheless, I'm human.

Despite not getting much (or any) work done, I did manage to hit the gym 5x this week. Mainly because Dia led the way. I can't believe she went to the gym every day M-F less than 2 months after giving birth. #Baller.

Getting out of my head and into my body tends to help when I'm not feeling like myself.

I also had a friend host me for an afternoon brainstorming session. We're both admittedly susceptible to shiny object syndrome so I think we're going to try to buy a business by the end of 2022.

If you know a boomer business owner that needs a golden parachute to fly off into the sunset, please let me know. We might be able to provide a solution.

That's pretty much it for this week. The next few installments of SSS should be more entertaining.

We have a closing scheduled for Friday, July 8th. We're finally selling the Triplex in Elizabeth, NJ.

The story behind this deal is pretty awesome. It was one of the riskiest deals I've ever done, but it was a smooth ride the whole way through. It's a great reminder that working with good, honest people is the ultimate unlock.

We should also be receiving our permit for the new construction project in Chatham any day now. This house is going to blow this town away.


Hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend.

Happy Independence day! 🎉